Sunday, January 28, 2007

(Selling More, By Having An Adaptive System, An XYZ Company Story)

Section 6: ABC Systems, Inc. Development Process (IT Target Activities and Classification Levels) Diagram


1) Central Repository of Code, System Design Documents, Stored Procedures, and Installation and Setup Directions. One should be able to checkout and compile current versions of all applications at anytime.

2) Standards should cover more than code, they should also cover such things as the general handling of errors, user environment and application settings.

3) Some characteristics of the desired architecture would be

a. Flexible modularization
i. Loose coupling (via messaging)
ii. Plug-and-play (via interfaces)
iii. Flexible configuration
b. Proven Practices
i. Patterns
ii. Components
iii. Interfaces
c. Efficiency
i. Performance versus Scalability
ii. Influence of Layers and Tiers

4) Sample brief requirement documents would be Use Cases, High Level Data Flow Diagrams, Bulleted Requirements, Class Diagrams for Components, Classified Business Rules, and a Business Glossary.

5) The building of online help should flow directly from brief requirement and rule classification documents. It should also be editable at any point by developers or quality assurance people to correct observed errors.

6) Code generation of business components, stored procedures, screens, reports, etc.

7) Code re-generation (i.e. the re-creation of previously generated code) to pick-up latest changes can be accomplished by careful separation of generated and custom code into separate classes (or in .NET into partial classes—think, include files for Delphi)

8) Advanced education can take the form of degrees, certificates, books, software betas, blogs, industry software reviews and lectures. Basically, any quality source that keeps people up-to-date with successful practices in this evolving industry we call IT.

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